Feeling a bit down right now...
...someone I considered a romantic prospect pretty much shut me down last night, whether intentionally or not. In the course of a 1:30am conversation over tea (that I thought might have been leading somewhere), she started talking about how she only tends to date men in their 30's.

Why is it that women in this town tend not to date men their own age? What's an old-souled 25 year old guy who's interested in actual, intellectually-stimulating, adult women (not "girls" in or freshly out of college) to do, when the adult women all want to date men in their late 20's and 30's?*

Sorry about the bitching. This is the only blog I have that isn't read by the ex-girlfriend, so my frustrations tend to come out on here where they won't hurt her feelings...

* Yes, I am generalizing here a bit. I know there are women my age who want to date men my age. I also know there are women fresh out of college who are just as mature as women my age (because we all know those three years make all the difference).